
06 Sustainability

2030 in



At Goodman we’re focused on building a sustainable business for the long term. One that benefits our customers and delivers returns for our investors. Our 2030 Sustainability Strategy is one of the measures we hold ourselves accountable to. It influences long-term outcomes across the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) spectrum. And it supports Goodman and its stakeholders deliver sustained growth and develop ongoing resilience.

At Goodman, we believe it’s important to aim high. In FY20, we accelerated our commitments to renewable energy and carbon neutrality, and we improved the resilience of our workforce, business, properties and communities. Our targets are deliberately ambitious. We know continuing to achieve them won’t be easy, but we also know if they were anything less, we wouldn’t be aiming high enough.

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2020 Highlights

In FY20 Goodman


Was awarded Global Sector Leader in the 2019 Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) Sector Leader award in the Industrial – Developer category


Completed a global climate risk assessment in accordance with recommendations by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)


Has approximately 50MW of solar PV installed on rooftops across the global portfolio


Increased our target from 100MW to 400MW of solar PV capacity installed by 2025


Further entrenched design initiatives in our global development specifications such as solar PV, electric vehicle charging points, LED lighting and drought tolerant landscaping


Completed certified developments in Europe, the UK, Australia, Japan, China and the United States


Continued major water-saving initiatives at our Australian properties, reducing consumption by about 60%


Reduced energy use by approximately 15% across the Australian office portfolio


Contributed $13.7 million to community and philanthropic causes with a focus on disaster relief, particularly the Australian bushfires and COVID-19


Increased efforts to minimise the risk of modern slavery potentially occurring in our supply chains.

2030 Sustainability Strategy

Goodman’s 2030 Sustainability Strategy provides a clear direction for the next decade. Led by this strategy, we are well positioned to transition into a truly sustainable, resilient and low-carbon business.

The strategy focuses on our people and culture, how we engage with our stakeholders and how we remain a trusted partner in the broader community. It influences our property locations as well as how they:

  • Are built, powered, operated and respond to the changing climate
  • Interact with the surrounding community
  • Support our customers’ well-being.

Accelerating progress

As the global landscape changes, so must we. Goodman’s 2030 Sustainability Strategy increases our commitments and accelerates our progress with clearly defined targets to hold ourselves accountable, under three pillars.

Notably, by 2025, our aim is to have 400MW of solar PV capacity installed on Goodman’s properties – up substantially from our previous commitment of 100MW. This will be achieved primarily through solar investments, generating enough energy to power about 120,000 houses for a year. In addition, our aim by 2025 is to be using 100% renewable energy and be carbon neutral.

Looking back to the year that was, the Group has also:

  • Increased both financial and non-financial support through the Goodman Foundation to $13.7 million. This is focusing on disaster relief, particularly from the impact of the Australian bushfires and COVID-19
  • Completed our global climate risk assessment in accordance with TCFD recommendations two years ahead of our target.

The strategy is structured around three pillars

Sustainable properties

Sustainable properties

Our sustainably designed, energy-efficient and professionally managed properties are strategically located to meet the business, health and well-being needs of our customers, and to remain resilient to tomorrow’s global challenges.

People and culture

People and culture

Our workplaces promote the health, safety and well-being of our people and our customers. Our people are recruited and rewarded based on their commitment to our values, their local expertise and their long-term strategic and ethical thinking.

Corporate performance

Corporate performance

Our capital structure is sustainable and we have a positive impact in our global communities through the Goodman Foundation. We promote strong leadership and governance, engage regularly with our stakeholders and measure and disclose our financial and community impact.

Backed by targets that address material issues

Goodman has always practiced long-term thinking. Our sustainability targets therefore consider material issues that will continue to shape Goodman as a resilient and sustainable business. During the year, Goodman focused on the material ESG issues that are fundamental to building its long-term value and sustainable performance. Our targets reflect our company principles as well as input from our stakeholders.

Addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) act as a universal call to action to address the world’s most significant challenges including climate change, poverty, gender equality and good health and well-being for all. During the year, Goodman continued to be guided by nine of the 17 SDGs, which were identified as most material to our global business, customers and charity partners.

  • 03 Good health and well-being
  • 05 Gender equality
  • 07 Affordable and clean energy
  • 08 Decent work and economic growth
  • 09 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • 11 Sustainable cities and communities
  • 12 Responsible consumption and production
  • 13 Climate action
  • 15 Life on land
Australia Post, Redbank Motorway Estate, Brisbane, Australia.
Australia Post, Redbank Motorway Estate, Brisbane, Australia.

Features 1MW of solar installed across the 50,000 sqm roof (3,244 solar panels) – enough to power a small suburb for a year. The building also includes rainwater harvesting, drought tolerant landscaping, LED lighting and translucent roof sheeting to enhance natural light.